Monday, July 26, 2010

Banish Moles, Warts, and Skin Tags Forever

Do you have unwanted moles, warts, and skin tags? If you do, don’t fell depressed because there are ways to remove them. These things are skin lesions and most of them are non cancerous or benign and if you find them irritable, painful, and an ugly thing, you can have them removed.

The most common way to remove moles, warts, and skin tags is through surgical procedures but there are still other methods being employed. Some moles that change in color or shape may be cancerous and the doctors may advise you to undergo a surgery. Oftentimes, patients are referred for biopsy wherein the sample of a lesion is examined in the laboratory.

For relatively small and harmless moles, warts, and skin tags, it can be removed by using a certain liquid gas or smearing on a certain substance. The gas or substance freezes the lesion thereby making it easier to remove. Larger skin lesions are cut off surgically. You don’t need to stay overnight at the hospital because the surgical operation is unobtrusive.

Obtrusive operations require local anesthetic to remove the moles and warts. The area will become numb but you will not fall into sleep. During the operation, you will be awake. Several exemptions are done and the patient will be put under general anesthetic. After about two hours, you can already drive home but those who were under general anesthetic should ask someone to drive for them. You must also have someone near you for at least a day to monitor if you have drug reactions.

You can continue your routine activities after the moles and warts are removed. However, you have to practice extra care and you have to ensure that you don’t scrape or knock the treated area. Some patients feel pain or discomfort but you can take Paracetamol to numb it.

If the stitches in the area are non-dissolvable, you need to go back to the clinic or hospital. Observe the area every now and then to see if there is swelling, pain, or if a liquid oozes from the affected area. if these things happen, the area may be infected and so you need to consult your doctor immediately.

Surgical procedures are very safe and there are no harmful effects. However, the anesthetic may have possible effects so try to monitor the affected area for a couple of days. If the skin lesion removed was a bit large, it can create a permanent scar but the smaller ones can heal completely without leaving any scar.

Now that you know how the moles, warts, and skin tags are removed, consult your surgeon now. Only your doctor ca NH3-moles_warts_skin_tags_1n determine the best method to remove the lesions. Don’t try to prick the moles or warts to remove them because this can cause irritation.

If the moles or warts are cancerous, the more reason you have to consult a doctor. Visit your doctor now and see what he or she has to say. Cancerous moles or warts are treated differently and so if the skin lesions are suspicious, don’t hesitate to have them treated. Surgical methods can be a bit costly but many individuals are willing to spend lots of money in the name of beauty.

If you want to get rid of the moles, warts, and skin tags, ask your doctor about it.

Getting Rid of Moles, Warts and Skin Tags Forever

Lots o people have already proven that you can permanently remove moles, warts, and skin tags. Very few individuals ever had recurring skin lesions but this can sometimes happen especially for those who have warts. Do you think it would be possible to remove the skin lesions in less than fifteen days?

Well, if you use the natural means of removing skin lesions like moles, warts, and skin tags, it could take months before you can see results. There are more advanced procedures being employed today by doctors and cosmetic surgeons but the thing is, it can be rather costly and a bit painful.

You don’t have to choose the expensive options because you can still make use of other methods in removing the warts. Are you familiar with Chris Gibson? Well, he was able to get rid of his warts and moles in less than fifteen days. If you want to know about his secret, all you need to do is to purchase the eBooks he’s selling. There are safe ways to remove the skin lesions and you will find out how by reading the said eBooks. Take time to read Gibson’s eBooks because you will learn a lot of things. Despite the popularity of non prescription medications and other skin lesion removal products, may people are patronizing Gibson’s eBooks on how to safely remove moles, warts, and skin tags.

Their sales records have proven everything. Besides, one of the reasons why the eBooks are saleable is because the removal methods and products used are inexpensive and natural. Many individuals are now turning back to the natural products because the surgical and laser methods are very expensive and not only that, scarring often occurs which will remind you of the skin lesions for life. Through the natural products, scarring rarely occurs. Soon, when your skin lesions are removed, you will regain your self esteem and confidence.

Don’t be mislead by the blind sided information offered by some online resources. If you want to know about Chris Gibson’s secret, you can purchase his eBook. Browse through the various online store sites which sells the eBooks. It is very easy to find because many people are buying it as well. Once you have the eBook, sit down and read it. All the myths about skin lesion removal will be dispelled. The eBook provides detailed instruction on how to remove the moles, warts, and skin tags. If you’re lucky enough, you might even find sample copies of the eBook. Try the sample copies first and if you find them worthy, you can buy the whole eBook.

At present, there are already 225,000 contented customers who were able to remove moles, warts, and skin lesions permanently. Remember, you don’t have to spend a huge amount on the surgical procedures or laser methods. Your insurance won’t cover such expenses and you will need to shoulder the cost from your pockets. If you don’t have that kind of money, you can turn to the eBooks offered y Gibson.

The eBooks are very much affordable and the instructions there are given in full details so you can follow with ease. If you understand everything stated in the eBook, you will soon be able to remove the skin lesions. Now, you can walk with pride and confidence because you no longer have the unsightly skin lesions.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

What Causes Skin Tags?

Skin tags are also called acrochordons, fibroepithelial, papillomas, pedunculated or filoform benign moles. Moles, warts, and skin tags are all skin lesions which can cause a lot of frustration to some individuals. Before you decide to remove them, you need to know about their causes.

The moles, warts, and skin tags are simply hyperplasia or overgrowth of skin. These lesions are prominent as people age. According to some studies, the exact causes of skin lesions are yet unknown but factors like being overweight, pregnant, and insulin fluctuations can make a person prone to skin lesions.

The skin tags are mostly found in the upper chest, eyelid area, and groin. In some cases, you can also find skin tags on the hands, knees, feet, face, and even genital areas. You can never really tell if you’re going to develop skin tags and on what part of the body.

Since there are no known causes, you have to watch out for skin lesions. Skin tags usually appear like bumps on the skin and later on, a stalk will be attached to it. The best way to get rid of the skin tags is to snip or cut it off at first sight. Don’t wait for the skin tags to grow bigger. Once the skin tags get bigger, it will be more painful to remove. If you think snipping or cutting the skin tag is painful, you can purchase freezing kits. The kits are widely available in stores and they are quite affordable. Freezing the skin tags off is painless and the skin lesions will be removed immediately as long as you follow the procedures carefully.

Did you know that skin tags can grow as large as a golf ball? That’s true so if you don’t want to be embarrassed because of these unwanted skin lesions, you need to know as much information about them as possible.

Obesity, pregnancy, and insulin fluctuations can cause skin tags. During pregnancy, hormonal changes take place inside the body and skin tags can appear. Some say that skin tags can be transmitted genetically; if some of our family members have skin tags, then you might also have them when you grow older.

Skin tags are harmless and it doesn’t pose any health problem. Some skin tags can be annoying especially when the skin tags are located on the eyelids, neck, and face.

If you have skin tags and you’re uncomfortable to have them, it’s time to get rid of them. Now that you know some probable causes, perhaps you might consider weight loss. People who are overweight are prone to skin tags so you’d better start with a weight loss program. Pregnant women who develop skin tags should not be worried because the skin tags might disappear as soon as they give birth and their hormonal activities are back to normal. It really helps a lot to understand how skin tags and other skin lesions develop; that way, you can easily decide whether you will remove them or just ignore them.

For those who want to remove the skin tags, you need to consult a doctor especially if the skin tags change in color or size because this can indicate a cancerous skin tag. Before using any over the counter ointment, cream, or any other product, it’s always wise to seek medical help.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Moles, Warts and Skin Tags: What Are They Really?

In general, moles, warts and skin tags are infections attached to the skin that are usually caused by viruses that has the capability to produce lumps on different parts of the body or even on the soles of your feet.

To differentiate, there are different reasons and characteristics that each skin infection posses. Skin tags can be characterized as bumpy or irregular and can have a fleshy color while other features tend to become pigmented depending on the part of the skin. Moles are harmless dark pigmentation on the skin while warts are granular protrusions that overlap over the other.

These main characteristics help you determine the difference between one infection from the other. By knowing these facts, you can easily know how to manage or treat each skin manifestation in an individual manner.

A broader view

Moles – dark spots found on the human integumentary system that peeks out naturally which can be caused by too much sedimentation of melanocytes in one part of your skin and tends to produce pigmentation which results to your mole. Moles, in majority, can become benign but is not necessarily considered to be cancerous although there are occurrences that moles can lead to melanomas which are known as a skin cancer. When this happens, the melanoma must be immediately removed.

Moles vary in size and shape which can be flat, raised or even smooth and some can show hair growth. Moles don’t have the tendency to hurt or itch when touched and they are typically harmless although, because of the possibility that some moles can develop in melanomas, as soon as one feels that the mole produces signs of infection, he must consult a doctor at once.

Warts – rough, small tumors, warts usually appear on the feet and hands. Because of the viral infection that is known as Human Papilloma Virus or HPV, warts is considered to be contagious by contact of an infected person by the use of personal things like shirts or towels. A wart is not considered to be dangerous and has the tendency to disappear in a couple of months.

Because warts can be transmitted from person to person contact, infection is probable. If one is sexually active and he or she has warts on the genitals, the person is a candidate for genital wart infection and should be treated immediately.

Skin tags – benign, harmless, and small tumors that appear on parts of skin surfaces like armpits, groin and eyelids, skin tags can range from grain size to sizes of golf balls. Skin tags are due to bunches of blood vessels and collagen encapsulated inside a thick piece of human skin. For this reason, skin tags should cause no alarm although some find it quite unattractive and may cause bleeding when rubbed by clothing or irritation occurs. One can get rid of skin tags through medical interventions like burning or cutting it.

Some of the causes of skin tags are particular drugs and pills like steroids which are effective in bodybuilding, hormones and injection of insulin.

In order to manage moles, warts and skin tags, one must seek proper treatment to skin specialist in order to advise you on the right intervention. One must also change lifestyle and diet because some skin infections are due to a deficiency in potassium intake, vitamins and minerals.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Moles, Wart, and Skin Tags, Common Skin Problems

Have you checked your hands lately? What about your feet? If you see unsightly skin lesions, then you might have warts. Other skin lesions include moles and skin tags and these can occur in the different parts of the body aside from the hands or feet. There are non prescription medicines that you can turn to or you can also make use of home remedies to rid body of these unsightly skin lesions.

In this article, you will find useful information on how to rid your body of warts. Read on to find out how.

Warts are commonly caused by papilloma virus and these are harmless. However, strains of the virus can lead to other serious problems and so you need to treat them immediately.

Warts commonly occur on the knees, feet, and hands. Warts located in the hands can cause problem because of its visibility. It’s quite hard to tell how people can prevent warts and if you’re infected with the papilloma virus, you must use an effective remedy at once. You don’t have to purchase non prescription medicines because you can find some good and effective home remedies.

Here are some excellent home remedies that you can use:

• Apple cider or white vinegar – if you don’t have apple cider vinegar at home, you can make use of white vinegar instead. Apply the vinegar directly on the warts. You will feel a bit of pain especially if the vinegar is applied on the feet but this will not last long. After the application, it is advised that you put band aid or plaster over the affected area.

• Banana peels – if you ate bananas, don’t throw the peels because you can use that to treat your warts. Bananas are rich in potassium and it can cure the warts. Cut the banana peels into strips and use it like a band aid. Stick the banana peels on the warts with a plaster and leave in on for a couple of hours.

So you see, these two excellent remedies can be found at home. Try them out now and see if it works for you. But of course, you can’t expect it to work overnight. Use it for about a week or so to see results. If you’re not convinced, then it’s probably time to try non prescription medicines. You can’t rush things and since you’re using natural home remedies, you have to be patient and make sure that you apply them everyday for more visible results.

Almost every home has apple cider and bananas. Check your kitchen and you will see these excellent remedies. Use them as directed and you will see results after some time. Also, don’t forget to practice good hygiene. Don’t make it a habit to borrow clothes from other people. It’s best to use your own clothes and other personal things. If you have moles and skin tags, there are also ways to remove them.

If you want, you can visit your doctor and consult your condition. There are health centers that give free consultations. You don’t have to spend anything on the consultation and once your condition is assessed, you can already choose the appropriate solution to remove the skin lesions. Don’t attempt to scrape the lesions because it can cause more problems. use the home remedies or visit the doctor at once.

Friday, July 16, 2010

How To Get Rid Of Moles

Moles are natural growths seen on every human skin although there are people who would prefer getting rid of it through any natural or clinical way because of how it appears on the skin. There are at least three acceptable methods of removing moles namely – shaving or full excision, laser surgery, and electrocautery.

Shaving or full excision

Shaving is a procedure that needs the mole and the surrounding skin to be surgically removed through anesthetic injection. Anesthesia tends to numb the site for surgery and render the mole to be raised at a level that will make it easier for the surgeon to remove it. Once the anesthesia is already making its mark by making the skin feel no pain, a scalpel will be used to slice off the mole and a bit of tissues surrounding it. Once it is sliced off, the wound will be cauterized to prevent bleeding from continuing.

On the other hand, full excision is excising the growth and adjacent tissues including portions of subcutaneous tissues underneath it. Edges of the skin are stitched together so that tissues will be given time to naturally attached themselves and heal. This kind of technique will leave the incision line which the surgeon tries to minimize.

These two kinds of methods for removal can leave hidden cells underneath the skin that may result to another skin growth of the mole on the same spot where it was excised. For patients who have fear in the sight of bleeding or low pain tolerance, this kind of procedure is not that suitable.

Laser Surgery

This procedure is considered as one of the cleanest and most sophisticated work of clinical art although, this is also one of the most expensive and selective processes that one can opt to choose. Selective in a way that only flat growth is allowed to utilize this kind of procedure. For growths which are raised, it is quite impossible to go with this procedure because the light waves that are released from the laser won’t be able to penetrate deep into the skin tissue to pronounce a satisfactory job. For the procedure to be considered as successful, it must not leave any kind of mark or scar on the skin. This will depend on the person’s skin qualification to produce the good results.


This is more advisable for skin tags and warts but is not commonly advised to mole removal although it might work by using heat in order to burn the mole from the skin. This is not a popular method because of the painful effects on the skin and forms of scarring to the skin. Several treatments are needed to finally remove the mole and not just through electrocautery.

What are the advantages of mole removal?

1. If you’re a guy and you have a mole on your chin or anywhere on your face where facial hair grows, then it would be more beneficial if the mole be removed than being scraped every time a blade runs through it. If growths tend to protrude, it will be quite painful if it was rubbed against ornaments or clothing.

2. Mole removal can help you achieve a skin that’s clean and smooth which can greatly influence a good physical appearance of the person giving him or her a higher level of self-esteem.

3. Extracted moles lessen the chances of a person getting skin cancer, melanoma.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Melanoma: What Makes A Mole Evolve To A Cancerous State

Mole growth on the skin is totally normal. Some tend to go after years of growth and some stays permanently although there is this one mole condition that can lead to alarm which is melanoma. When moles seem to change from its normal state, one must immediately consult a doctor for diagnosis for melanoma.

How are melanomas formed?

Melanoma is a kind of cancer of the skin that happens due to accumulation of melanocytes that produces melanin. Melanin gives the ideal skin pigmentation and characteristic color. When the skin is exposed to sunlight, melanocytes tend to produce more melanin that may cause skin tan or further darkening. When melanocytes form in clusters, it produces benign growth that is known as moles. Moles are somewhat common because there are about 10-30 moles that people may have.

Some grow to be pinkish, some brown, and some grow in a way that is similar to the skin color of the person. If the person is dark, then you can expect a dark-colored mole. Some moles are small and some are of the size of a penny. Moles can be extracted by the preference of the person and once it is extracted, it will no longer grow.

Melanomas will be formed the moment the mole shows any change in structure like size, color and shape. The feel of the mole existing on one part of the body will also be different. Melanomas can be easily recognized because of its characteristics. Melanomas appear as if it was an evolution of a mole which tends to look abnormal, blacker, and even uglier. Below are the ABC’s of melanoma signs and symptoms. If you see anything similar to what you have, then it is best that you see your doctor immediately in order to find the appropriate cure.

You have to watch out for the following changes:

A – asymmetry refers to the shape of the mole if it doesn’t match the other’s shape.

B – border refers to the edges of the growth that are unusually blurred, ragged, irregular and notched when it comes to its outline; some of the pigments spread by the surrounding area.

C – color is not even. There may be shades of tan, black and even brown on just one growth. Areas of red, blue, grey, white and pink are also manifested by melanomas.

D – diameter is an actual change in the size of the mole which is usually increased more than decreased. You can check if the growth is larger than a pencil eraser.

Base on the ABC’s, you can now diagnose your own mole, although melanomas tend to show majority of the ABC characteristic features and some show just one or two of it. It is advisable that one get skin examination at once when some of these signs and symptoms appear on one part of the skin.

Having a routine checkup is appropriate. If melanoma is diagnosed in its early stages, there are bigger chances of treatment because the tumor has not yet dug deep into the skin tissue. One must remember that when melanoma is not extracted in its early stages of growth, it will be harder for the person to control spread in nearby tissues and parts of the body.

People who already have melanoma also has higher chances of developing new moles which may start another melanoma growth.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Moles, Warts, and Skin Tags Information

Do you have moles, warts, and skin tags on your underarm, neck, face, feet, hands, and knees? These things can be quite annoying but there is a way to get rid of them without undergoing any surgical or laser procedure. The said procedures are not only expensive but can also cause scarring.

Moles, warts, and skin tags are harmless unless they are cancerous. So before you decide to remove the skin lesions, it is advised that you seek proper medical advice. Seeking medical advice does not necessarily mean that you will be undergoing any surgical or laser procedure. It’s just one way of obtaining a doctor’s opinion and you get to decide which removal method to employ.

Most people want to avoid the two procedures because of budgetary constraints while others are scared of sharp and pointed objects. Well, before you opt for these procedures, here are some excellent alternative skin lesion removal methods that you can try at home.

• Get a thread and tie it to the wart or skin tag. You have to ensure that the knot is tied tightly. After that, you simply have to wait until the skin lesion fall off. The advantage for choosing this method is that you will not spend anything and you can do it yourself. The disadvantage is that this method is painful and you can never tell how long you have to wait for the lesion to fall off.

• Some say that if you put nail polish to the skin tag, it will eventually fall off. This is a new method and if it doesn’t work for you, you can try another method.

• Cut the wart or skin tag yourself. You can only use this method if the wart or skin tag is small. This is the fastest way of getting rid of the skin tags or warts. But you must be aware that this method is painful. If you’re willing to take the risk and feel the pain, you can cut the skin lesion yourself. If you have larger skin tags or warts, this isn’t a good idea because bleeding might occur. Besides, you need to identify if the skin tags, moles, or warts are benign. Consult your doctor to find out and don’t try to cut them off.

In every treatment option, there are always advantages as well as disadvantages. You must be aware of these things so that you can decide whether you will push through with such method or not. You must be able to choose a treatment option that will benefit your greatly without compromising your safety and health.

If the moles, warts, and skin tags change dramatically in shape, color, and size, you must seek medical help at once. Don’t even try to cut, snip, or scrape them. It may be possible that the skin lesions you have are cancerous. Before conducting any skin lesion removal method, all the skin lesions should be benign. Otherwise, you will need to seek medical help.

Surf the internet and you will find load of information about moles, warts, and skin tags removal. After you’ve found the treatment methods that you can work with, weigh the advantages and disadvantages. Only then can you choose the best removal method to employ. Good luck in removing your skin lesions.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Identifying Common Wart Treatments Qyuxjkt

Common warts, among other types of warts, are considered as local growths on the skin that are known to be caused by the infection identified as Human Papilloma Virus or HPV. The virus itself is contagious and can be passed from one person to another although, there are little chances that the wart can affect the entire family, oftentimes, there is only one affected. More so, warts are seen only in one part of the body like the feet with minimal chances of spreading.

For one who is already annoyed seeing a wart, treatment is of great importance. Information about treatment can’t be applied with venereal or genital warts for they have a separate way of dealing with it. For conditions like these, OTC drugs are already sufficient base on the product that will be used. There are also different newer drugs which are non-prescribed to freeze the wart.

1. Salicylic acid Preparations of salicylic acid come in pads, drops, plasters and even gels. These are designed to be applied to different wart size either lumpy or tiny or the bigger ones. Salicylic acid is known as a keratolytic medication which has the capability to dissolve the protein making up the wart component and the layer of thick skin that covers it.

2. Taping There have been claims about duct tapes or other tape classifications suffocating the wart. Taping is a method that needs further evaluation and attention because for the idea to work, one has to put the tape after a few hours most especially if it has fallen off. Putting it back and maintaining it on that area is the hard part.

3. Non-prescribed freezing Over-the-counter treatments like aerosol warts are made available and can be used as sprays to freeze the wart in a given temperature of negative 70 Fahrenheit which is equivalent to negative 57 degrees Celsius. This is same with liquid nitrogen that is used by majority of dermatologists which is colder compared to the OTC treatment.

Issues regarding using drugs taken over-the-counter are aired out. Some treatments have resulted to unwanted reactions on the person’s skin which is evident through redness or a burning sensation which are said to be the positive side effects of the drugs. On the other hand, scarring and infection will not be present.

One common mistake that people make is applying the drug around the wart including the surrounding skin which should not be. In order to stop the burning skin sensation, all you have to do is to stop the usage of the drug until the skin returns to its normal state.

For sensitive areas like the groin or face, salicylic acid is not recommended because of a more uncomfortable feel. For generalities, diabetic people are not advised to use salicylic acid products because of the poor circulation that happens in diabetes and due to the inflammation that can happen when salicylic acid is used. In order to fully appreciate the good effects of the treatment, one must follow religiously the instructions printed on the package. Only then will the safe usage of the drug is maximized.

Wart treatments are effective but needs patience on the part of the person using the drug. There will be cases that warts disappear easily even without manipulation and some need further attention by drugs and skin experts.

The Big Decision: Home Remedies or Surgical Methods?

The remedies available in the market today to remove moles, warts, and skin tags vary in terms of effectiveness. A certain remedy may work for one individual but it may not work for another. Perhaps the most effective method to remove moles, warts, and skin tags is through surgical methods. This is usually done in the clinic or in the hospital by a competent and qualified doctor.

The method is somehow painful because some methods employ local anesthetic while other methods employ general anesthetic. Moles, warts, and skin tags can occur in the different areas of the body. These skin lesions are commonly found on the face, hands, knees, and feet. Oftentimes, by employing the surgical methods, a scar is left behind. This is the main reason why some individuals resort to herbal or home remedies because they don’t want to end up with a scar that will always remind them of the skin lesion; not only that, home and herbal remedies are readily available at home and you don’t need to spend huge money unlike the surgical methods.

Another consideration is the pain felt during surgical removal of moles, warts, and skin lesions. Some individuals are scared to undergo any surgical method because they don’t want to feel pain. The home and herbal remedies will not make them feel uneasy because the remedies are not painful except in the case of plantar warts. Plantar warts are found on the soled of your feet. The plantar warts are quite painful especially if you’re treating them but the pain is tolerable. By choosing the home and herbal remedies, you still need to be aware of the possible risks.

Some individuals cut the skin lesions using scissors. This can be done but extra care should be observed. The scissors or any other cutting device should be sterilized to avoid infection and bleeding. You don’t have to make a big fuss about your skin lesions because you can easily remove them without undergoing any surgical method. One effective way to remove the skin lesions is by tying a string around the lesion.

Leave the string in place for day and you will notice the mole, tag, or wart turn bluish in color. When the skin lesion turns black, you can wait until it falls off or you can snip or cut it off. The blood supply is cut because of the tight knot and so the skin lesion eventually falls off. Did you know that by opting for the doctor’s solution the skin lesions are removed by using sharp blades and scissors?

If you’re scared of blades and other sharp devices, you can stick to the natural remedies. There are various herbs that you can use to remove the skin lesion however it could take a couple of months before you can remove them completely. You need to apply the herbs everyday for several times and you must do this religiously; otherwise, you won’t be able to rid your skin of the unsightly lesions.

According to some researches, there are some theories which explain how the moles, warts, and skin tags occur. Some studies even show that women are more prone to such conditions as compared to men. As you get older, you’re more prone to these unwanted skin lesions. Simply practice good hygiene everyday and when you notice any skin lesion, treat them immediately.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

What is A Wart, Really?

Warts are bumpy growths on the skin that typically appear in any body part. Wart growth is not considered as cancerous and is basically caused by the HPV or Human Papilloma Virus. Characteristics are usually similar with the person’s skin color and may oftentimes feel rough; some may exhibit a darkened color and is smooth when touched. When the virus has spread from one part of the skin to the other, it may also be transferred from person to person. Warts are usually of no concern because they tend to disappear after years or months although if not treated at once, one may experience concern on how unsightly the wart is.

To give you a better idea, below are the different types of warts.

1. Common warts These are the types of warts that commonly occur at the back of toes, knees and even fingers which can be compared to a look similar to a cauliflower which is rough to touch. An amiable place for the growth of these warts is when there is a break on the skin; which is why these wart types are often found crowding near fingernails that are broken. Common warts are also called seed warts because of its feature of having a dot on top of the wart that is caused by blood vessel presence which makes the wart look exactly like seeds.

2. Plantar warts From the name itself, plantar warts are usually found on the soles of the feet known as the plantar surface. These are the kinds of warts that do not seem to grow because of the pressure which is usually applied on the feet that is why; a larger part of the wart is found inside the skin. Plantar warts are also called as mosaic warts because of the cluster growth. Warts like these causes pain upon ambulating and tend to feel like stones under a shoe which can become a major problem especially if growth is uncontrolled.

3. Flat warts Characterized to be small but grow in larger numbers, flat warts have a diameter that is in millimeters. When it comes to children, these warts have a smooth feel and are most likely to grow on their face. For adults, flat warts show in areas that are usually shaved like the leg and chin area. Flat warts are also known as plane warts.

4. Periungual warts These warts are considered as the most painful wart one can experience. It causes so much pain and discomfort to the one who suffers from it. Usually, periungual warts are found near nails which are rough to touch. Deformity of the nail can happen once the virus enters the part under the nails and nest there. Sometimes, periungual wart virus has the capacity to enter the nail plate and cause the development of fungal infection and complications. As much as possible, treatment should be given in order to clear the skin from the infection and prevent further damage and complications.

There are different ways to eliminate warts. One must immediately excavate the wart from the skin because if the wart is not treated as soon as possible, instead of gradually disappearing after months of growth, it can lead to multiplication.

Warts are treated with different specific medical interventions like antibiotics, surgery and all other decreasing methods.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Are Moles Cancerous?

Moles are melanocytes that accumulate in one part of the skin that then forms pigmented lesions. A trend for melanocytes would be to spread around the skin and sometimes, accumulate in a colored mass within a single space. Moles form in any age, anywhere in the body which varies in size and color. There are moles that disappear within certain periods of time and some stay for lifetime. Other moles can result to malignancy that is known as melanoma, a kind of skin cancer.

There are two kinds of moles that may appear on your skin – atypical nevi and halo nevus.

Atypical Nevi These are the kinds of moles that are larger and have an indistinct and irregular edge that appears to be cancerous but is not the case for most of the time atypical nevi are benign. If in doubt, you can consult your skin doctor and find out if the mole that has grown is cancerous or not because according to researches, there is a higher tendency that people having atypical nevi may lead to malignant melanoma. Moles that are diagnosed having the higher possibility of becoming malignant are immediately removed by doctors.

Halo Nevus As the name implies, halo nevus is characterized by a mole having a halo around it. Oftentimes these mole types have a white ring around the area which gives them the halo look. In general, teenagers and children are prone of having these moles. In time, these moles disappear. If there are any signs of mole changes specifically in size and color, one must see the doctor immediately and let it be diagnosed.

Mole formation It can either be because of melanocytes accumulation or congenital. Moles form at any age type usually during childhood. Mole formation happens within the junction of the dermis and epidermis but is most often formed within the dermis. The appearance will depend on the area where it is formed. Some may be raised and others are flat. Colors vary from dark blue to light brown, still, depending on how deep the mole is formed within the skin level and the concentration or density of the pigmentation causing it.

Exposure to sunlight can increase its formation. Pills can also contribute to the formation. Both pills and exposure can set mole darkening. When one ages, the mole tend disappears and others lighten in color. Other develops growth of hair on the surface which can be very unsightly and the person can result to removal.

Be aware of changes Over the years, moles tend to stay permanently the same when it comes to size, shape and color although others disappear and some grow even more. For moles that indicate any kind of change is a sign that the person is a candidate for having malignant melanoma which is cancerous. In order to prevent this kind of phenomenon from happening, you have to observe for any changes or better, inspect every mole present on your body. Note any kind of change and if there are, inform your physician immediately and have it checked in order to further diagnose the condition.

Early detection of mole malignancy can lead to a higher probability of recovering from the disease. There are sufficient topics on how to examine one from having malignancy or normalcy. If the condition is diagnosed in a later stage, then malignancy and spread of the disease is inevitable.

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