Tuesday, July 6, 2010

What is A Wart, Really?

Warts are bumpy growths on the skin that typically appear in any body part. Wart growth is not considered as cancerous and is basically caused by the HPV or Human Papilloma Virus. Characteristics are usually similar with the person’s skin color and may oftentimes feel rough; some may exhibit a darkened color and is smooth when touched. When the virus has spread from one part of the skin to the other, it may also be transferred from person to person. Warts are usually of no concern because they tend to disappear after years or months although if not treated at once, one may experience concern on how unsightly the wart is.

To give you a better idea, below are the different types of warts.

1. Common warts These are the types of warts that commonly occur at the back of toes, knees and even fingers which can be compared to a look similar to a cauliflower which is rough to touch. An amiable place for the growth of these warts is when there is a break on the skin; which is why these wart types are often found crowding near fingernails that are broken. Common warts are also called seed warts because of its feature of having a dot on top of the wart that is caused by blood vessel presence which makes the wart look exactly like seeds.

2. Plantar warts From the name itself, plantar warts are usually found on the soles of the feet known as the plantar surface. These are the kinds of warts that do not seem to grow because of the pressure which is usually applied on the feet that is why; a larger part of the wart is found inside the skin. Plantar warts are also called as mosaic warts because of the cluster growth. Warts like these causes pain upon ambulating and tend to feel like stones under a shoe which can become a major problem especially if growth is uncontrolled.

3. Flat warts Characterized to be small but grow in larger numbers, flat warts have a diameter that is in millimeters. When it comes to children, these warts have a smooth feel and are most likely to grow on their face. For adults, flat warts show in areas that are usually shaved like the leg and chin area. Flat warts are also known as plane warts.

4. Periungual warts These warts are considered as the most painful wart one can experience. It causes so much pain and discomfort to the one who suffers from it. Usually, periungual warts are found near nails which are rough to touch. Deformity of the nail can happen once the virus enters the part under the nails and nest there. Sometimes, periungual wart virus has the capacity to enter the nail plate and cause the development of fungal infection and complications. As much as possible, treatment should be given in order to clear the skin from the infection and prevent further damage and complications.

There are different ways to eliminate warts. One must immediately excavate the wart from the skin because if the wart is not treated as soon as possible, instead of gradually disappearing after months of growth, it can lead to multiplication.

Warts are treated with different specific medical interventions like antibiotics, surgery and all other decreasing methods.

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