Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Sunless tanning lotions

Among other tanning products, tanning lotions are becoming increasingly popular as more masses are becoming aware of the unhealthy effects of sun bathing. These skin care products are known not simply because they offer natural tan looking skin but also enhance your skin's texture, making it look more soft and tidy. But have you ever tried the most amazing sunless tanning lotions available in the market? Or, are you rather in reservation of using it?

If you want to know more facts about the best tan lotions and to find what benefits you can get from it, then you have stumbled on a right article.

One type of tanning lotion is proven to providing high-quality and cutting-edge beauty products with the use of the safest and most natural ingredients sourced from many continents. It always has safe active ingredients like Dihydroxyacetone (DHA) that usually extracted from sugar cane.

Remember that the best lotion for tanning is always proven safe by FDA (Food and Drug Administration). Meaning, it should not have alcohol content, instead should have moisturizers to add moisture to your skin.

Plus, most amazing tanning lotions should be water-based and with rapid-dry formulation, washable and contains no non-staining element, and should have a cooler effect on any type of skin. Upon, application, best tanning lotions should provide evenly-bronzed tan, and should not make any patches once it started to fade out. Another thing to consider is the 'orange' effect, which poor tanning lotions usually cause this. Remember that 'orange' is a big no-no. You must look naturally tanned, not a Sunkist but sun-kissed.

Alternative way to check if you got the best one is through smelling. No kidding, smell is another consideration. Best lotion for sunless tanning should be good smelling without overpowering or too flowery. The best lotion that I found is both offered in tube or spray style bottle and of course comes with mild and unisex perfume.

It also has easy application procedure. Just apply it all over your body, from your elbow, to your knees and even to your face, but don't forget to wear gloves, otherwise you will have bronze tan palm too. In addition, it should dry fast without drying your skin.

Best sunless tanning lotions should have ingredients that can eliminate the need for unhealthy UV exposure and should last for a week, not just for 3 to 4 days. And of course, it should give what you want, but it should look more natural and not that 'orange' colored skin.

But there's a catch. Most best sunless tanning lotions should be reapplied after 7- 8 days. And although it is proven safe by FDA, you still have to test it first on just one part of your skin. Remember, some skin types are allergic to lotions, even to ordinary ones. But that's not the main concern as it can't cause skin cancer.

To sum up, the positive feature of the best tanning lotions should not be limited to just preventing skin cancer, but also to gaining healthier and younger looking skin. Plus, it should be easy to apply and can be done anywhere, even at home and without the assistance of another person.

About Author: If you would like to learn more about how you can get a free trial of a popular new safe tan product take a look here Sunless Tanning. The offer for the free trial may not last long so I wouldn't delay checking this out at: Sunless Tanning Solution if you are interested.

Article Source: ArticlesAlley.com

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